Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Attention! All practising Doc~ors, Nursing Homes, Dispensaries, Primary Health Centers, Government and Private Hospitals. You can help reduce the impact of the ongoing pandemic by keeping the following in mind.


· Look for 'Signs and symptoms like fever with cough, sore throat with difficulty in breathing

· In particular, look for early warning signs - In Adults: breathlessness, chest pain, drowsiness, fall in blood pressure, sputum mixed with blood, bluish discolouration of nails

- In Children: influenza like illness with somnolence, .high and p~rsistent fever, inability to feed well, convulsions, shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, etc

· Follow GOI guidelines on categorization (category A, B and C) if you are trained to manage H1N1 cases

· Follow up cases recommended for home care

· Know your nearest Health Screening Centres and Hospitals for referral

· If your area is not reporting Influenza like illness (Ill) and if you detect a cluster of III or pneumonia, to inform the Integrated Disease Surveillance Project

, . For detailed information on categorization of cases (triage and .c1inical management protocols) refer to

please call 1 075 (toll-free) or



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Issued in public interest by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India


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DARLING_SAPNA, Happy Anniversary! They say that Be, with age comes maturity; but our love with age gains perpetuity and becomes closer to divinity! Yours eternally,Om ,;


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leSE Board Exam Marksheet (No. TV 4934523) and Certificate issued in Name of Aparna Astha Dlo Arun Kumar Pandey. index No. TI1283/023 was lost on 30.06.09 at Sector 19.
Vashi FIR P.S.APMC Vashi




DeL rights wrong bill

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